Genesis Biosciences

Year in review: 2021 Statement from our CEO, Conrad Mielcuszny

As we exit another challenging but rewarding year, our CEO Conrad Mielcuszny shares a message for our staff and customers.

The end of what I’m sure you’ll agree has been another turbulent year across the globe is drawing closer, and it’s an important time to reflect on our achievements and the challenges that have continued to have an impact for us all over the past 12 months.

Our team in the UK along with the rest of the country started the year in lockdown, therefore working from home where possible to keep the business running. Whilst things aren’t 100% back to pre-covid days, they have been settled back in to office and lab life for quite some time now and the team have shown resilience and determination to keep pushing forward every step of the way.

An additional challenge for the UK was Brexit – Britain formally left the European Union on the 1st January 2021, throwing the shipping industry in to chaos with new documentation requirements and customs procedures causing serious delays at ports. With such a knowledgeable team in place and with support of our shipping partners, we were able to ensure we understood exactly what was needed in order to get our shipments through as smoothly as possible, but of course delays were inevitable as the UK and Europe adapted to the changes. I want to thank all of our European customers whose patience and loyalty during the first few months of the year meant that we were able to maintain our longstanding business relationships as things settled.

We ended the year with some great awards success, winning the inaugural Welsh National Environmental Award for Sustainability through Innovation alongside winning 2 categories – Green Business of the Year and Technology Business of the year at the Cardiff Business Awards. This was topped off by winning the overall Cardiff Business of the Year at the ceremony in November, a great achievement for the business and some well-deserved recognition for all their hard work.

Here in the US, the Pandemic has affected us differently, with limited restrictions put in place by the local government meaning we were able to stay fully operational throughout the year, all-be-it with some internal procedures put in place to keep our staff as safe as possible.

It’s been a busy year for the US as our 3-year project to expand the facility and introduce new equipment to increase our fermentation and production capacity is nearing completion. As with all building work, we have had set backs along the way but there is light at the end of the tunnel now as the last bits of equipment are in place and being installed. After some system testing, we are looking ready to be fully commercially operational in January.

Our biggest achievement of the year as a business has to be obtaining the FSSC 22000 certification at our US facility – the compliance taskforce put in place for this have been exemplary in ensuring our facility and procedures were up to the standards required. Across the business, all departments have had to adapt to meet the needs of the certification and they have done so brilliantly, meaning after a successful audit, we officially received our certification in the summer. 

So, what’s next? Well, with the FSSC certification officially acquired, we will push forward with introducing our beneficial Bacillus bacteria, fermented in-house at our state-of-the-art facility, to the food/feed industry for use in human and animal probiotics.

We will continue with our Research & Development in to new applications for our probiotic bacteria, with our Scientists ever growing knowledge of what our strains can achieve through in silico bioinformatics and real-world testing techniques.

Our eco-benign® philosophy remains at the heart of our business as the world battles to combat climate change, utilizing beneficial bacteria in as many applications as possible to reduce the use of harsh chemicals wherever we can. We also continuously work to improve our own operational efficiencies to ensure our eco-benign® policy is not only implemented through the technologies we produce, but through all business functions across the board.

We have all been through so much over the past 2 years, the personal effects of the pandemic will last a lifetime for many people and some businesses have had to close their doors for the last time. I am incredibly fortunate to still be running a strong business and I thank our hard-working team for their unfaltering work and positive attitudes that have kept us functioning. I’m grateful to our customers for continuing their support this year and recognizing that there is still a need for eco-benign® probiotic products in a world where disinfectants and sanitisers have become so important.

Wishing everyone all the best for 2022 and beyond.

– Conrad Mielcuszny, CEO

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